More Miradry questions

Ok so now you’ve hopefully gotten about an 80% reduction – that bone dry underarm. The magical part is that those sweat glands are destroyed permanently and can’t produce odor anymore. You’ll also notice some patchy hair loss since the microwave energy heat from Miradry disabled some hair follicles, a pleasant side effect!

What else to expect right after the procedures?

You will most likely have some pretty sizeable swelling and lumpiness. Patients have stated it kind of feels like you have golf balls under your underarm. Also expect bruising as well, therefore coordinate the scheduling of the procedures AT LEAST 2 weeks before any important event or vacation where you plan to wear something sleeveless – this is wholly for aesthetic purposes since you probably will not feel comfortable with swollen armpits in say… like a wedding dress :P. I like to recommend my patients to look at youtube videos of people’s personal journeys with miradry so they can visualize the process and see what to expect afterwards.

Do expect tenderness, tingling, and numbness of the underarm, which could last for weeks. As well as potential loss of sensation in the area.

Post care

  • No intense exercise/sweating for 1 week
  • Massage and stretch to reduce swelling and tightness
  • Ibu + ice for 72 hrs
  • Wash underarms gently twice a day with gentle/mild soap.

Another question I had about Miradry, does it increase risk of cancer?

It is deemed an extremely safe treatment and there is no evidence that Miradry causes any type of cancer. The microwave radio waves target areas that produce sweat, which is directly below the layer of the skin. Thus the breast tissue and lymph nodes are located much deeper and are not impacted. 

Hope this gives more peace of mind and answered some more questions! Let me know if you can think of other questions 🙂

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Summer is basically here, with spring 2020 just literally skipping over us huh. 

Now that we are slowly returning back to society coming out of quarantine, we are reminded that we should probably wear deodorant and maybe shave when we are wearing our sleeveless outfits.


I personally sweat easily. Especially when I’m feeling warm, or even flushed with embarrassment or stress. I would absolutely love to have the miraDry treatment one day.

What is Miradry?


  • FDA approved in 2011 for treating excessive underarm sweating
  • Also cleared in 2015 to permanently eliminate underarm hair of all colors, as well as odor glands
  • For optimal results, it is recommended to treat 2-3 times, at least 3 months apart
  • However even with 1 treatment, it is clinically proven to have an average of 82% sweat reduction and 89% odor reduction

Of course results can vary from patient to patient


How does it work?

  • Noninvasive procedure that uses electromagnetic energy which target and destroy sweat gland via thermolysis – aka “microwave” technology
  • The energy works in depth of 2mm-5mm below skin’s surface where most sweat glands reside
  • Local anesthesia is injected for numbing as well as padding the nerve bundles farther away from the energy
  • There is a vacuum suction which stabilizes the skin and brings the sweat glands closer to the energy
  • The skin is also cooled with a cooling plate and temperature sensor to monitor and protect the dermis

It is about an hour long treatment where you can get to know your provider or listen to music and podcasts.


Is it bad to destroy the sweat glands in our armpits??

Nope not at all. We have ~2 million sweat glands throughout the body, and only 2% exist in our underarms. Sweating will be normal elsewhere and will not affect your body’s ability to regulate and cool off.



  • Shave your underarms at least 4 days prior, to prevent small cuts and infection. We also want to see some hair growth by the time you come into office to determine area of treatment
  • Don’t wear deodorant to the office
  • Wear a loose tank top and/or sports bras for easy access to underarms

*Note: Make sure to not schedule the procedure when you are planning to wear a sleeveless outfit within the next 1-2 weeks, for aesthetic reasons. So, obviously don’t do this treatment before a tropical vacation.


RESULTS + AFTERCARE and expectations:

Sweat glands that are targeted are permanently  destroyed and do not regenerate!

Results begin immediately, long-lasting, and are often permanent results.

You may notice 100% dry with no sweat, however after 2-3 weeks some sweat will return.

  • There will be bruising, swelling, and lumpiness 

  • Numbness and tingling can last for 5 weeks

  • Localized soreness and swelling – can gently stretch out armpits

  • ICE + IBUprofen to manage pain & swelling

That was a lot of information, but what questions do you have? I’m a visual person, so here are a couple of clips to show the general progress of what to expect 🙂

You can soon kiss your deodorant good bye! No long worry about ruining your outfits with sweat stains, and definitely go in for the big bear hugs at summer weddings without a care for sweaty, wet armpits.
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