Profound pt. iii

How to Prepare for Profound



  • Hydrate sufficiently for the week prior to procedure
  • Consider prepping your skin beforehand, as in moisturizing it
  • Eat a substantial meal before coming in
  • Avoid alcohol and NSAIDS to decrease risk of bruising 
  • Discontinue retinoids and similar active ingredients for at least 3-5 days prior
  • Avoid sun exposure and use spf 30+ 

What to expect after treatment

Immediately after the treatment, we cleanse the face with sterile normal saline. Then we typically apply Alastin Nectar + Balm.

  • Wash face gently with a gentle cleanser 2x/day. Pat face dry (no rubbing or exfoliation, absolutely no picking as this can cause PIH!). Let the skin heal on its own
  • Apply Alastin Nectar & Balm at least twice a day to have a consistently glazed appearance. Liberally do this for 1-2 weeks
  • Sleep with head elevated for the first 2-3 nights can help with swelling. Also try not to sleep on side of the face while making sure pillowcases are clean each time
  • Redness can be reduced with our recommended post-care skincare
  • Bruising can be mitigated quickly with a laser in office
  • There is also the post-injection serum by Alastin that can help with bruise reduction and swelling as well
*Remember, the first 1-3 days may be the worst of the swelling
Areas that can be treated

Face, neck, chin, jawline, abdomen, inner & outer thighs, arms, skin above knees!

Please Profound me everywhere right? hahah

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